Boris Becker Wimbledon champ at age 17 – bankrupt now

Latest News coming out of the sports arena is that the three-time Wimbledon champion Boris Becker has been declared as Bankrupt by the London bankruptcy court.

The decision came after the hearing proved that Boris does not have any major credit worthiness evidence that he could pay the huge sum of loan taken from the Bankers.

In the hearing, the lawyers defending Boris were asking for one final chance to repay the debts through the Mortgage of property in Majorca.

In reply to the lawyers’ plea, the registrar miss Christine Derret gave a statement that “with regret”, she has finally arrived at the conclusion that Boris is in no situation to pay the debts. She also said that she always watched Boris playing on the tennis court.


Going to the roots of this case, this application was filled by a person named Arbuthnot Latham. He stated that Boris has not paid the debt for nearly two years.

On this result, Mr. Boris gave a statement that he was really disappointed and surprised that he has taken this route against him. He also said that this order was related to the loan that I was to repay in a One-month time span.

He added that he was disappointed that his request for the postponement of today’s hearing was rejected. He said that his earnings are well enough to repay the debts and the monetary value of the property is far more than the debt owed.

Mr. Borris’s Lawyers were asking a 28-day adjournment in the hearing as they were expecting that the Majorca property deal will get complete this month.


In response to this plea, the registrar said that such kind of debt outstanding cases is not expected against this level of professional player.