Get to the exact part of a video by searching on Google

We use Google search for literally everything – from finding a textual part to an audio part or even an image. But now you would also be able to search the exact part of the video you want to. Much astounding and bewildering as it may sound.

But starting from today this feature is live now and it can quite help you in finding the required information you need. When you search for things like how-to videos that have multiple steps, or long videos like speeches or a documentary, Search will provide links to key moments within the video, based on timestamps provided by content creators. You’ll be able to easily scan to see whether a video has what you’re looking for, and find the relevant section of the content. For people who use screen readers, this change also makes video content more accessible.

But for now, the problem with this feature is that it can only do a YouTube search for videos, but Google says it’s working to bring the functionality to more video publishers in the future, including CBS Sports and NDTV and also another problem which persists is that the feature currently relies on timestamps provided by content creators, meaning its usefulness could vary based on how much information people provide.


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