Samsung Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge have already received Android 7.0 Nougat update in India. There was always some news that update for Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge was on the way as the devices with the latest version of Android OS passed the Wi-Fi Alliance certification at the end of January.
These devices in Europe started to get the latest version of Google’s operating system a few day ago. And now this update is making its way to the devices in India.
This latest version provides you with a bunch of new features such as Grace UX, gesture friendly camera interface, redesigned status bar, and the Pop-up View mode.
If you live in India and own Samsung Galaxy S6 or S6 Edge then you should straight away go to the Settings menu of your device and check if the update has already made its way to your mobile. If update is there then you just need a stable internet connection to move to next android version.