disney stops ads

Disney stops multi-million dollar ads on Facebook and Instagram

Disney is suspending its ads on Facebook just like many other major companies in the wake of Facebook’s way of enforcing its content policies. Many prominent companies like Coca-Cola, Starbucks, Lego, and Unilever have also cut back on Facebook ads.

This is part of #StopHateForProfit boycott which is organized by various civil rights organizations in an effort to compel Facebook to change how it handles hate speech and misinformation on its platforms.

To support this campaign companies have pulled ads from Facebook and Instagram and now according to reports Disney is the latest in doing so. Disney has stopped its multi-million dollar campaigns on both Facebook and Instagram.

Disney has stopped its Disney Plus streaming service ads from Facebook as the boycott against the company is growing rapidly. WSJ reported that in the first half of this year Disney had spent around $210 million for Disney+ ads on Facebook.


Disney also paused its ads for the Hulu platform which were running on Instagram. In a statement last month a Facebook representative said:

We know we have more work to do, and we’ll continue to work with civil rights groups … and other experts to develop even more tools, technology and policies to continue this fight.

Till now Disney has made no comments about stopping the ads.

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