Samsung recently launched Samsung Galaxy J3 Pro which was launched in China one year ago. Yes, you heard it right this smartphone was launched in China a year ago. And this time Samsung thought of launching the same smartphone one year after in Indian market.
In China, this smartphone was retailed for 990 Yuan which ran on Android 5.1.1 Lollipop which was launched in April 2015. J3 Pro came equipped with 5.0-inch 720p Super AMOLED display, Snapdragon 410 processor, 2 GB of RAM, and 2,650 mAh battery.
In India even after one-year same smartphone is launched with no change in hardware and software. It still runs on Android 5.1.1 Lollipop and got the same specifications as of the Chinese model but there are minute changes in Indian model. India-bound J3 Pro is powered by a 1.5 GHz Spreadtrum processor, and also comes with a slightly less beefy 2,600 mAh battery.
This smartphone is priced at Rs 7,990 ($124) with color variants of black, white, gold.
But if you are looking for buying a budget friendly smartphone then we won’t be recommending you this smartphone as there are much more budget friendly smartphones better than this available in the market like Moto G4, Lenovo K3 power, Xiaomi Redmi 3s prime.
So think before you buy this smartphone.