Netflix has dropped the trailer for Army of the Dead, a big-budget action movie directed by Zack Snyder. This movie...
“Avengers: Infinity War” isn’t opening for another two weeks, but the Marvel title is already on a record-breaking track. Currently,...
Transformers: The Last Knight, 5th and the latest edition in the Transformers franchise opened at the box office with a...
The production of all-new The Batman was hit by the rapid spread of COVID-19, earlier this year. But details about...
With the continuous delay in the theatrical release of the next James Bond movie ‘No Time To Die’, the studio...
13 reasons why is one of the most popular teenage drama on Netflix. It was released on 2017 and is...
Paddington 2 was the best-reviewed movie of all time on Rotten Tomatoes until now, as a recently posted negative review...
A couple of days after reaching the 5 billion viewership mark on YouTube the Despacito video was hacked and put...
After an 18-month campaign, launched by Gina Martin, the bill to outlaw upskirting finally gets the Royal Assent, meaning offenders...
Music, the all inclusive language, has the remarkable ability to rise above social limits and associate individuals from various corners...
After only just a week old ban on PUBG Mobile in the city of Surat and Rajkot, 10 college students...
The pandemic has crushed plenty of travel plans over the last 18 months, and there are questions on how we...